Teaching is based on the principle of immersion in the subject teacher system.
Choose from four Matura profiles
Our students choose a Matura profile. This involves choosing a core subject
Freies Gymnasium Zürich offers the following profiles:
Classics with core subject Latin, combined with English or Greek (only for students from lower school of the Gymnasium)
Modern languages with core subject Italian
Economics and law with core subject economics and law
Mathematics and natural sciences with core subject biology and chemistry or applied mathematics and physics
Basic, core and supplementary subjects
Ten basic subjects, the core subject and one supplementary subject form the Matura subjects.
The educational profile is essentially determined by the core subject. Teaching in the basic subjects is roughly the same for all students, regardless of their profile. It is designed to form the basis of a general education
In all profiles, an introduction to economics and law is given in two year-long modules. The optional subjects are voluntary.
Matura thesis
The Matura thesis reflects a comprehensive education. It builds on the specialist and interdisciplinary skills acquired at Gymnasium as well as personal talents, interests and ideas. Its structure and function are interdisciplinary, but the content is defined by subject-related conditions. It is designed so that students achieve expertise in a specific field incorporating inter and transdisciplinarity at the same time. It is especially suited to preparing students for academic work. Depending on the structure of the Matura thesis, other transversal subject areas may be included.
The students write a larger paper on a topic of their choice, either alone or in a team. An accepted Matura thesis is a prerequisite for admission to the Matura exam.