School year 2025/2026
Preparatory Class V5
Fr. 27,000.--, payable in 4 instalments of Fr. 6,750.--
Fr. 5,500.-- (annual lump sum for registration fee, project morning, school materials, school books, photocopies, excursions, school journeys, lunches), to be paid in advance
Preparatory Class V6
Fr. 27,000.--, payable in 4 instalments of Fr. 6,750.--
Fr. 1,600.-- (annual lump sum for V6, for school materials, school books, photocopies, excursions, school journeys), payable in 1 instalment
Progymnasium monolingual, 1st - 3rd classes
Fr. 29,000.--, payable in 4 instalments of Fr. 7,250.--
Progymnasium bilingual, 1st and 2nd classes
Fr. 29,000.--, payable in 4 instalments of Fr. 7,250.--
Lower school of Gymnasium, monolingual and bilingual, 1st and 2nd classes
Fr. 29,000.--, payable in 4 instalments of Fr. 7,250.--
Upper school of Gymnasium, monolingual and bilingual, 3rd - 6th classes
Fr. 33,000.--, payable in 4 instalments of Fr. 8,250.--
Additional costs
Lunch in the canteen for preparatory classes V6 and all 1st classes (obligatory): lump sum of Fr. 1’900.-- per year
For the 1st to 6th classes, annual additional costs (school materials, school books, school journeys, excursions) can be expected to amount to approx. Fr. 1’000.-- to 2‘000.--.
A lump sum of Fr. 100.-- per school year is billed with the first school fees invoice for printing and photocopies.
Payment deadlines
31 August 2025 / 15 November 2025 / 15 February 2026 / 15 May 2026
Subject to modification